Mort Fertel’s Marriage Fitness Answers the Age Old Q Of When to Call It Quits in a Relationship

When To Call It Quits In a Relationship

When to call it quits in a relationship

When to call it quits in a relationship is undoubtedly one of the first questions on the mind of anyone going through marriage problems.  When I first stumbled on Mort Fertel and his Marriage Fitness program I thought the same thing.  In fact, I even remember asking him personally when I had my 15 minute consultation. 

I’m sure I was not unique and Mort Fertel had heard that questions all too often. 

Truth is, in his program, he has a section devoted to answering when to call it quits in a relationship but I fear it might not be the answer you’re looking for. 

I understand some of you are here probably looking for some type of checklist of items to go through to figure out when to call it quits.  Unfortunately I’m going to throw a twist at you. 

Before I do however, if you have any desire at all to save your marriage, you owe it to yourself to at least check out Mort Fertel’s free marriage advice emails.  Truth is, before investing in his program, his free emails themselves were so helpful I almost considered not even needing his program.  Click Here for FREE Mort Fertel Marriage Fitness emails. 

Now back to your question.

Maybe It’s Best You Don’t Seek Out An Answer For When To Call It Quits In a Relationship

Please please please.. do not look for an answer to this question.  You’re pretty much priming yourself to have a failed marriage.  If you really think of it, it’s quite silly.  Here you are seeking an answer on the internet for a situation that is extremely PERSONAL to only you.  The other websites and pages giving you 7 Signs to Know When to Call it Quits in a Relationship or 25 Red Flags… have absolutely no idea about your personal situation.

Only you know when to call it quits in a relationship. 

This isn’t something you can rush into it.  And neither should you.    

Think it through; it probably took you years of missteps to get you where you are right now when it comes to your marriage problems.  Trying to figure out a quick fix to such a dilemma is never going to be a good solution to fixing marriage problems.  Especially if you’re looking for a checklist of items to check off to know whether or not you should call it quits. 

Instead, consider what Mort Fertel and his Marriage Fitness program advises.

Simply put, Mort advises you should wait at least 1 year before you try to call it quits.  But here’s the most important part to consider.  The 1 year clock starts from the time you 100% decide you are going to make all the changes you know you must to become a better spouse to save your marriage. 

The program itself goes into all the details of how to do this but for the sake of this post, here’s a quick summary:

  • Have you figured out your YOUR problem and fixed it?  Meaning, what are you personally doing to contribute to your marriage problems.  Are you abusive?  Are you self-centered?  Are you cheating?  Whatever it is… have you fixed it for at least 1 year?
  • Are you putting your marriage, your spouse and love first?
  • Are you going on date nights with just your spouse at least once a week?
  • Are you going on mini vacations with just your spouse?
  • Are you waking up daily and looking for ways to make your spouse’s day better?
  • Are you buying your spouse thoughtful gifts every once in a while – gift only you know they would like?
  • Are you engaging in daily talk charges – you know when you take the time to call your spouse and share your day with them.

As you can see, this is just a brief list of things the Marriage Fitness program helps you accomplish but it’s very important. 

What Does Mort Fertel Say If The Relationship is Doomed?

The nice thing about the Marriage Fitness program is that even Mort acknowledges that not all marriages can be saved.  And to have an answer to that problem, Mort suggests that you wait at least 1 full year before you decide to call it quits. 

After helping with so many marriage problems, he believes waiting that long is a minimum amount of time one should wait before calling it quits in a marriage.  Interestingly it took me about 1 year to save my marriage as well.  I remember asking my wife why it took so long and her answer was telling of what probably so many different people experience. 

She simply said she needed to wait that long for to her to wholeheartedly believe and trust that I was in fact different.  Anyone can make a change for a day… or a week or even a month… but one full year is a lot harder and shows serious commitment to saving a marriage. 

Are You Really Ready to Call It Quits?

So I know you came to figure out when to call it quits in a relationship… maybe thinking people would give you an easy out.  Let me tell you… there is no easy out.  This is your life.  This is your family’s life.  This is your children’s lives.  Don’t call it quits to early.  You deserve a good life and it’s possible if you at least commit to being the best person you can be for at least 1 year. 

I know 1 year might sound like an eternity while you’re in the midst of marriage problems but there is hope.  If you haven’t already, please read my main blog post here where I discuss how Mort Fertel’s Marriage Fitness program saved my marriage.  It reveals all the heartache I went through and how my wife and I came out the other end better than ever. 

If you enjoyed this post consider reading these too.  Hopefully they can eliminate some of your marriage problems.

·  Mort Fertel Review – At Last! TRUTH about Marriage Fitness. Will it really fix your marriage problems?

·  Inside! 1 Super Cute Gesture of How I Saved My Marriage and Why It’s Still Super Strong Today

·  Discover How My Marriage Problems Disappeared Because of Marriage Fitness!

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