It’s hard to believe it’s been 5 years since my marriage problems. As you’ve already read in my Mort Fertel Review blog, I had some serious marriage problems and was on the brink of divorce.
At the time there was only one thing I could think about – how to stop a divorce and how to save my marriage. Like many, marriage counseling was the first thing that came to mind and we jumped in head first. Unfortunately it was a complete waste of time.
In a time where I was searching for solutions to save my marriage all I was getting from the marriage counselor was a rehashing of the very marriage problems that caused us to be in marriage counseling in the first place. It just didn’t make sense.
My wife and I didn’t have the skills to be able to talk about our marriage problems with the counselor and then simply turn it off when we got home. As such, the marriage discussions continued without the presence of the marriage counselor and thus just got worse.
Marriage counseling was hurting our marriage more than helping!
Finally I had enough of it and went searching for other ways to save my marriage. As you already know, I went through a ton of marriage help books and searched a crap load of places online for helpful marriage advice but just kept landing at the same type of resources – they all advised the same thing – talk talk talk!
This wasn’t going to fix our marriage.
And then it happened. I stumbled on to Mort Fertel and his Marriage Fitness program and I was attracted to it almost immediately.
Simple…he advised us to stop talking about our marriage problems. Phew…what a breath of fresh air that was. Obviously I kept reading because Mort Fertel really seemed to know how to save my marriage. I quickly learned he had his own marriage crisis and himself went through marriage counselors as well and ran into the same issues I was having. He was sick and tired of talking about how to save a marriage and instead wanted to do something – wanted to take action!
And then he figured it out. The reason he was having marriage problems and why so many people have marriage problems was because him and his wife just weren’t in love anymore. I know that sounds basic but if you really figure out why you and your spouse aren’t in love anymore, you’ll have the answer to your marriage problems.
The exact reason why you’re not in love with your spouse is different for everyone but once you discover it and work on it, you can get back to a place in your marriage you never thought possible.
For example, my issue was that I was in love with someone else. NO…not another person. I was in love with my work! You see for years my work and other things took priority over my wife and I never realized the severe damage this was causing my marriage. If I had just realized earlier, we could have avoided mindless hours of couples therapy and our marriage problems would never have appeared in the first place.
Once Mort Fertel made me realize this, my life and my marriage changed almost over night. Yes, it was that simple. It still took a lot of work however because I had caused a lot of damage and I had a lot of making up to do. I’m thankful to Mort Fertel however because it’s now 5 years later and my marriage is still blooming today like it did when my wife and I first met.
In the next post I’ll talk more in detail about Mort Fertel and his Marriage Fitness program and exactly how it helped me. Thank you for checking out this post and please keep reading my Mort Fertel Review.
Please note, this is a Mort Fertel Review Site. If you’d like to see Mort Fertel’s official Marriage Fitness site and start receiving FREE emails from Mort Fertel titled “7 Secrets to Fixing Your Marriage”, Click Here and get Instant Access!