Inside! 1 Super Cute Gesture of How I Saved My Marriage and Why It’s Still Super Strong Today

How I Saved My Marriage and Why It’s Still Going Strong

6 Years after a marriage separation and almost getting a divorce it’s hard to believe how strong my marriage still is today. In fact, all else being equal, I feel my marriage is even stronger today than it was when I first started writing this Mort Fertel Review blog and I want to reveal exactly how I saved my marriage. 

When pondering how this is possible and how I saved my marriage so effectively it dawned on me earlier today. I was reading a book the other day by Darren Hardy called The Compound Effect. It’s a brilliant book and little did I realize how pertinent the information in it was to saving my marriage.

Simply put, the main concept about the book is doing little things daily with discipline and patience and then sure enough the compound effect takes over which compounds your efforts. In a business setting this works tremendously well and now that I think of it, the same compound effect is what obviously has made my marriage stronger today then it was even 1 or 2 years ago.

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If you’ve read my Mort Fertel Review posts, you already know the journey I detailed here to save my marriage.  Having gone through a marriage separation and only a few weeks away from filing divorce papers back then, I can truly say I survived the darkest days of my life.

Now, as I look back it amazes me how much love my wife and I have for each other. For example, just this morning I was showering and happened to stumble upon a note left on our shower door.

This super cute gesture has become a little bit of a tradition; we leave each other little notes now and then. Usually they are little hand-written notes but at times, we also write notes on our glass shower door with our finger which only appears when the other person takes their shower and steams up the door. It’s a super cute gesture we’ve gotten in the habit of doing for each other now and again.

In full disclosure, it’s been a while since I did it for my wife which made seeing her note to me that much sweeter. The joy I experienced in that moment is hard to describe. The closest thing I could relate it to, was that of accomplishment. I felt very blessed to have had that experience and it took me back almost instantly to the very trying time where we almost got divorced. I remembered how hard I worked to save my marriage and all the sleepless nights where I prayed to stop my divorce and get away from my marriage separation.

Given what my wife did for me today, it seems I definitely accomplished what I was trying to achieve through Mort Fertel’s Marriage Fitness program. Just like I said earlier in this blog that I was a changed man back then thanks to Mort Fertel, it seems I’m still changed today. Everything I learned during that trying time has obviously stuck with me even today. And even better is the compound effect it’s had on my marriage. Not only has it made me super sensitive to my wife’s needs but it’s also made her sensitive to mine.

On top of that, till this day, my wife and I still go on weekly dates and little mini trips just for the 2 of us. We do obviously cherish our children as well and take them on vacation too but it’s very important for our marriage relationship that my wife and I go on trips together.

This Mort Fertel Review blog was created to share my saving my marriage journey with you but as I move forward, I hope to share even more personal items with you. I’m hoping that I have the discipline to share posts with you as I encounter daily moments where I am strengthening my marriage thanks to the information I learned from Mort Fertel. Till next time I hope you enjoy the previous posts in this Mort Fertel Review.

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